Dear Abbie, As you know, I am a regular customer of Quinn Lingerie, buying your lovely ladies' underwear.
You may have assumed it was for my girlfriend or wife, but it was for me. I have an obsession with wearing female knickers under my trousers. I love the feeling of the material rubbing on my skin.
I have split from my girlfriend of three years. At first, I stuck to wearing my underwear when we first started dating, but when I finally plucked up the courage and confessed my obsession, she was ok with it.
The plus point, Is that I get so aroused when wearing female knickers that the sex was so better for both of us.
I am now dating again and dreading I have to go through the confession stage again. How do I lose this obsession? I seriously worry there is something wrong with me. It is constantly on my mind, and I would like it off, please.
Firstly thank you for your repeat orders of Roza underwear, A stunning range, and I am glad you love them.
I have a lot of gentleman customers who wear female knickers. It is one of the most common fetishes I come across. I always advise you should stay true to yourself.
Wearing a pair of ladies' knickers is your little secret. How exciting!
I know it is only a word, but the word obsession is worrying.
When things become obsessive, It moves on from a harmless pleasure. This clashes with your fear of being mocked by a new girlfriend.
If you had told me it simply turns you on wildly, then that is something to celebrate it is not like you are hurting anyone, so it may not be as big an issue for a new girlfriend as you think.
Though I feel you need to wear ladies' knickers because you want to, not like you have to!
There are many more things to focus on in a new relationship, and this is just a tiny part of it.
Why not compromise with yourself while dating and alternate between men's and women's underwear until you beat the obsession and it turns into a desire?