How to Prevent Rips and Ladders in Your Hosiery when putting them on

Written by: Abbie Quinn



Time to read 1 min

Rips and ladders are the bane of every hosiery wearer's existence. Luckily, there are preventive measures you can take to reduce the risk of damage when putting your stockings, tights and hold-ups on. Here are some tips:

Six tips for putting your hosiery on


**1. Trim Your Nails:** Sharp nails can easily snag and tear delicate hosiery. Keep your nails short and smooth to reduce the risk of accidental damage.

**2. Wear Gloves:** If you have rough or calloused hands, consider wearing gloves when putting on or handling your hosiery. That will prevent your hands from catching on the fabric and causing snags.

**3. Use a body lotion:** Dry skin can be abrasive and cause friction against your legwear, leading to rips. To reduce this risk- moisturise your legs with lotion before putting on your legwear. That will create a smoother surface and reduce friction. 

However, ensure your legs are dry before putting your tights on to avoid the legwear sticking to damp skin.

**4. Avoid Rough Surfaces:** Be mindful of the surfaces you come into contact, while wearing hosiery. Rough or abrasive surfaces like concrete or rough carpets can cause snags and tears. If possible, avoid sitting on or rubbing against such surfaces.

**5. Handle tights with respect:** When putting on or undressing your hosiery. Handle with care. Avoid pulling or tugging forcefully, as this can stretch and damage the fabric. Take your time to ensure a smooth and gentle application.

**6. Invest in good quality**

We have all brought those cheap supermarket or Primark tights and lived to regret it! Try shopping from a quality brand from Ballerina or Zohara.

By following these preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the occurrence of rips and ladders in your hosiery.

Woman wearing Ballerina Hold ups

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